Thursday, February 28, 2013

TriForArubah is off to a fantastic start

Im so excited about how generous people have been and we are not even a week in to the project yet that I wanted to make a post about it! On Sunday we raised a little over $800.00 which far surpassed our expectations, and I looked at the face book page today some money has been donated on there that puts us at almost $2000.00, once the $800 + is put on there and that is before the match, so as of right now we are at almost $4000.00! Thats huge folks! This is something that will be a game changer for the town of Collinsville when we are done with it and I am honored to be a part of it, but everyone that donates shares the same amount of credit to the cause as I do in my eyes. Im absolutely amazed this evening. Thanks for your support and spread the word! God is good!! Go check it out and donate if you can, otherwise just tell some friends!

Monday, February 25, 2013

TriForArubah Off and Running!! Why Do this?

On Sunday the church "unveiled", so to speak, the idea, TriForArubah, the feedback and support could not have been any better. There was a lot that went into getting ready to launch this endeavor and a lot of people put a lot of effort into helping get everything from, artwork to t-shirts and it would have been an overwhelming task without their help. On day one we raised a little more than $800 which far surpassed my expectations. I thought it would be a good idea to post how this whole thing even got started. My history in triathlon is a short one, less than two years at this point. I tried it last year as something that sounded fun that would hopefully peel some pounds off me and I was hooked immediately. I participated in several sprint distance and olympic distance triathlons and managed to finish a half ironman (Ironman 70.3) in Branson. I already knew in my head that I wanted to do a full distance Ironman but after finishing in Branson it was a must. I picked an event in Florida and registered for it. I was extremely excited I was able to get an entry to that event (it sold out in less than a minute, 3000 slots) and it was all I talked about for the rest of that day. I can't remember if it was that evening or not but, after listening to me talk about what "I" was going to do, my wife challenged me to make this "Ironman thing" about more than "me". I prayed about it and wasn't really coming up with anything and then started noticing some people doing events for all kinds of different causes and a buddy even did one for a local charity. I decided that was going to be the way to do it, but then the big debate was "how to I make it benefit the kingdom?" There were two non profits that were on my mind and for many reasons, Arubah Community Clinic became the obvious choice. Out of the blue Glenn Krispense contacted me to have coffee on a totally unrelated subject and I pitched the idea to him and it took off like a wild fire from there. I believe with all my heart that coffee meeting was one of the most obvious God thing's I have ever had happen to me. Im far from an expert on the Gospel and this is definitely the first time I have made a solid effort to try to bring God glory in one of my athletic endeavors, but I would challenge any of you to do the same. I know for me it has made me more conscious of how much more I could do the same thing in my marriage and career and I hope that being aware of that will cause some awesome changes in how I approach those two aspects of my life. 
Thanks for reading, thanks for subscribing and thanks for your support! Remember you can go to the facebook page TriForArubah and donate or hit me up and buy a t-shirt for 5 bucks! Arubah Community Clinic is doing an amazing work and couldn't do it without your support. Thank You

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Tri For Arubah

I wanted to start my blog with a quick run down of where the majority of my focus is right now. I have teamed up with an outreach of my church, Discovery Bible Fellowship, to try to raise funds and awareness of a free medical clinic that is in my hometown of Collinsville Oklahoma. Arubah Community Clinic was founded in 2010 with a vision to share the hope and healing message of Jesus Christ through providing excellent health care services to the uninsured. Arubah is a local solution to a national problem. Every time they open their doors they are trying to fill a gap and help people in need. I am currently training to do a Ironman Triathlon in November and am dedicating my training and that event to Arubah Community Clinic. I want to make this blog and facebook a fun and easy way to keep up with the progress of our fundraising goals and my training goals. Keep your eyes open for more posts, videos, and fun facts and quotes.